Current Top Selection : Prophecy, Last Message : by LCondoKogi

Sunday 7 June 2009


Visionary Shamanism: Ritual Healing in Peruvian Huachuma Curanderismo - 05:27 - Aug 20, 2006
Munay Production -

Within Peru’s northern coastal and highland areas exists a tradition of applied indigenous wisdom that has thrived for millennia, and while still strong, it too faces the inescapable pressures of transformation. Known as curanderismo, this shamanic tradition utilizes the knowledge acquired through its great past to provide individual healing to community members and techniques in maintaining harmony and balance between the human and natural worlds. Reaching forth from the very dawn of Andean civilization, it is a preeminently practical tradition, emphasizing our ability to form and sustain balanced relationships among ourselves and the environment as well as providing time-honored techniques for re-establishing these desired conditions when they are absent. Essentially holistic, the methodology of curing entails the ritual blending of knowledge, cosmology, herbal practice, and visionary experience in its therapy. The final result is the transformative power it communicates through it innate artistry and the dramatic presence of the sacred. In its current form, Peruvian San Pedro Curanderismo highlights the balanced integration of traditional wisdom and practice within a structure inclusive of change and the specific needs faced by the modern world. keywords: shamanism, shaman, healer, healing, sacred, peru, traditional medicine, san pedro, huachuma, mescaline, peru, south america«

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